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Register 2 Seats Remaining
Discover popular line dances! No partner needed. We will be breaking down several dances to popular tunes.
Please wear comfortable clothing and smooth soled shoes suitable for dancing in.
Read the fitness waiver statement and give your consent in the question below.
"I am in good physical condition and am able to participate in physical activities. I understand and freely and knowingly assume the risks inherent in the participation of physical activities, and as with all physical activities, recognize that there is an element of risk involved.
If there are any issues that will affect participation in this event or if a special accommodation needs to be made, I will contact the library at least one week prior to the event.
I do hereby waive, release and hold harmless the Somerset County Library System, its officers, sponsors, supervisors and representatives for any injury that may be suffered by me in the normal course of participation in this program and the activities incidental thereto, whether the result of negligence or any other cause."