"Catcher in the Rye", a book that explores three days in the life of a troubled 16-year-old boy- has been a “favorite of censors” ever since its publication. October 1-7, 2023 is Banned Books Week.
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Published in 1951, "The Catcher in the Rye" was originally meant for adults, but soon became a symbol of teenage angst and rebellion. It is found on lists of banned books time and again, for reasons ranging from use of foul language to inciting of violence. Nevertheless, its popularity has not decreased over the decades, and it is now considered a modern classic.
Presenter: Vandana Walia has a master’s degree in English and taught for thirty years in India before moving to the United States. For almost ten years, she has been teaching literature from across the world at Osher Life learning Institute at Rutgers University. She has a passion for reading and loves to discuss everything she reads.
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