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Local History Trivia Night
2022-11-15 18:00:002022-11-15 19:00:00America/New_YorkLocal History Trivia NightPut your local history knowledge to the test! Welcoming individuals or teams of 3-5 people to compete and learn more about the history of our local communities.Montgomery branch - Library Meeting Room
Tuesday, November 15 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Add to Calendar2022-11-15 18:00:002022-11-15 19:00:00America/New_YorkLocal History Trivia NightPut your local history knowledge to the test! Welcoming individuals or teams of 3-5 people to compete and learn more about the history of our local communities.Montgomery branch - Library Meeting Room
Put your local history knowledge to the test! Welcoming individuals or teams of 3-5 people to compete and learn more about the history of our local communities.