On November 4, 1922, as workmen cleared away sand and debris on the floor of the Valley of the Kings, a single stair appeared, cut into the limestone bedrock.
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Following the staircase would lead the excavators, led by British archaeologist Howard Carter, to one of the most remarkable discoveries the world has ever seen - the last resting place of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, filled with beautiful works of art and golden treasures.
But who was Howard Carter? What combination of scholarship and circumstance led him to the tomb of the boy king? And how did the discovery change Carter himself and the field of Egyptology, all while the treasures of the tomb drew people across the world under their spell? In this program, we will explore these questions, peeling back the layers of myth that have grown up around the discovery.
We will also take a moment to reflect on some of the mysteries that remain just beyond the reach of modern science, a hundred years after the light of an archaeologist's candle first fell on the "wonderful things" inside the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Presenter: Maggie Bryson received her Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from Johns Hopkins University in 2018. Over the last fifteen years, she has worked in archaeological excavation and heritage management in Egypt, as well as conducting research on the art and history of the New Kingdom period. She specializes in particular on the tumultuous years that followed the Amarna “revolution," including the reign of Tutankhamun.
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