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To learn more about who came before us, please join us for an informative lecture about the indigenous people of the New Jersey area dating back to when Homo sapiens first entered North America.
Prior to the arrival of European settlers in the 17th century, New Jersey (and portions of the neighboring states) was the homeland of the Lenape Indians and their ancestors for more than 10,000 years.
The presenter is Dr. Greg Lattanzi, New Jersey State Archaeologist and Curator for the Bureau of Archeology and Ethnology at the New Jersey State Museum. According to the museum website, the archeology and ethnology collection he oversees at the State Museum “encompasses over 2 million prehistoric and historic specimens from nearly 100 years of excavation and over 2,000 ethnographic objects. Archaeology specimens are recognized as the definitive systematic research collection for the study of New Jersey prehistory and one of the most important collections for regional study of northeastern North America.”
The Van Harlingen Historical Society and the Somerset County Library System is proud to host this unique program in collaboration.