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You've read the book (book discussion February 19) now watch the film.
You've read the book (book discussion February 19) now watch the film.
Movie summary: "Denzel Washington directed and stars in this adaptation of August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning play, which centers on a black garbage collector named Troy Maxson in 1950s Pittsburgh. Bitter that baseball's color barrier was only broken after his own heyday in the Negro Leagues, Maxson is prone to taking out his frustrations on his loved ones. Both Washington and co-star Viola Davis won Tonys for their performances in the 2010 revival of the play. Stephen Henderson, Jovan Adepo, Russell Hornsby, and Mykelti Williamson round out the supporting cast." ~ Provided by Jack Rodgers, Rovi
Originally released as a motion picture in 2016.
Based on the book by August Wilson.
Directed by Denzel Washington.
Starring: Denzel Washington, Viola Davis, Stephen Mckinley Henderson, Jovan Adepo, Russell Hornsby, Mykelti Williamson.