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Event finished. This event was in the past: 4:30pm on Thursday, March 13, 2025
Decorate cookies for St. Patrick's Day
The Watchung Library is temporarily located at 20 Stirling Rd. in Watchung while the building is under renovation. 20 Stirling Rd. is located on the Watchung Circle, the first driveway on the right after the Arts Center. You may park at the Arts Center, at 20 Stirling RD. if there is space or at Best Lake and use the sidewalk to walk over.
Please note we will be serving food and drinks at this program. Let us know if there are any allergies or restrictions.
As the parent or legal guardian, I freely and knowingly assume the potential risks involved with this program. If there are any issues that will affect my child’s participation in this event, if a special accommodation needs to be made, or if my child has any allergies, I will speak with a member of the library staff about the issue before letting my child participate. I do hereby waive, release and hold harmless the Somerset County Library System of NJ, its officers, sponsors, supervisors and employees for any injury that may be suffered by my child in the normal course of participation in this program and the activities incidental thereto, whether the result of negligence or any other cause.