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Bring one stuffed animal to sleep at the library, listen to good night stories, and cover your animal with a fleece blanket before all stuffed animals have a fun night of slumber party activities.
Photographs of the stuffed animals will be taken during the sleepover. Photos will be printed as a souvenir. Stuffed animals must get picked up from the slumber party on Saturday, January 11 by 2pm. Fleece blankets are provided by the Friends of the Watchung Library.
The Watchung Library is temporarily located at 20 Stirling Rd. in Watchung while the building is under renovation. 20 Stirling Rd. is located on the Watchung Circle, the first driveway on the right after the Arts Center. You may park at the Arts Center, at 20 Stirling RD. if there is space or at Best Lake and use the sidewalk to walk over.