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Teen Leadership Committee
(grades 7-12)
2024-08-22 18:00:002024-08-22 19:00:00America/New_YorkTeen Leadership Committee Earn community service hours by helping to plan and organize upcoming Teen's programs and assist with ongoing Children's Department projects. This group meets twice a month.
Somerville branch - Young Adult Room
Thursday, August 22 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Add to Calendar2024-08-22 18:00:002024-08-22 19:00:00America/New_YorkTeen Leadership Committee Earn community service hours by helping to plan and organize upcoming Teen's programs and assist with ongoing Children's Department projects. This group meets twice a month.
Somerville branch - Young Adult Room
Earn community service hours by helping to plan and organize upcoming Teen's programs and assist with ongoing Children's Department projects. This group meets twice a month.